Monday 22 February 2010

Day 16-17

Didn't get much time to write over the weekend. We were pretty busy trying to get stuff finished before my return to work. Saturday saw us heading out to the hospital. As seems to be common with new babies the bes laid plans of how the morning should pan out so that we arrive at the hospital on time went down the tubes quickly. We did make it on time but it did involve a lot of rushing around. We managed to head to Starbucks for a hot chocolate and a cake after the visit as the baby was still sleeping. The checkup went fine and the baby is gaining weight quite rapidly. Mommy has decided that we should up the amount of formula that we're giving the baby now. This has pros and cons. On the plus side she sleeps much better at the moment as she's a bit bloated. The con is that because she's a bit bloated she's more likely to be sick while being burped. This only seems to happen when I burp her so either I'm being more aggressive or she's still got trapped wind from not being burped sufficiently on the previous feeding. Either way, we had a bit of a mishap on Sunday with this. We were settling down in the evening to watch a film and I was feeding the baby to try and get her back to sleep. I was burping her just at the end of the feeding and she was sick all over my legs and on the sofa. So instead of watching the film we had the joy of stripping off the sofa covers and trying to get them clean. I think they're OK but I guess I'll find out when I get home tonight.

Aside from that nothing much of note over the weekend. Much work was done to the house and the downstairs is all but finished.

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