Friday 12 February 2010

Day 4 - 7

It's been a slightly crazy time here and we're both a bit sleep deprived. The baby was diagnosed with a tongue tie which apparantly is farly common. It's a condition where a small piece of skin attaches the tongue to the bottom of the mouth but it comes too far forwards on the tongue. This has caused the baby problems with feeding as she can't push her tongue forward enough. So we've had to top her up with formula but the combination of that and the fact that mom hasn't been producing milk explains why the babys been constantly hungry and not sleeping. It's amazing that just a small amount of formula made her a lot happier and sleepier. We've been constantly increasing the amount of formula each day and she's doing a lot better now, a lot less dry skinned and a lot calmer.

We had the tongue tie corrected which was just a quick snip that the midwife did at a clinic. It was very quick and the baby seemed more upset about being stripped down and pinned to the table than she did about the cutting. Unfortunately, mommys milk hadn't come in for a couple of potential reasons so even now that her tongue is corrected she isn't breast feeding. We're trying to help things along with expressing but it remains to be seen whether it's going to make any difference at this stage.

Great-granny came to visit today. She has two great-grandchildren now but ours was the first that she's met so far. The visit went well and the baby was very well behaved and so was great-granny.

The trouble we have now is that the sleep deprivation from those first few days and the middle of the night feedings are catching up with us now so we're not getting much done. Hopefully we'll get into our own routine soon and start to be able to do some stuff around the house, maybe even start going out.

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