Monday 15 February 2010

Day 9-10

Today is day 10 but I've a little more to add about day 9. I was on middle of the night feeding duty last night, as ever (when can I go back to work?) and the baby decided that she wanted to be awake. No feeding and back to sleep for her last night. I was up at quarter to 2 to do the feed. That took about 40 minutes before I decided to change her to try and get the last bit down. Well no sooner had I changed her than she did a big poo and I had to change her again. I did manage to get her to finish the bottle but no sooner had she fallen asleep than she woke up again and decided that she wanted more food. So I gave her a top-up feed. Almost as soon as I'd got back into bed she was awake again. As it was now almost 4 am I made mommy wake up. She changed the babys nappy and sure enough she was fast asleep in minutes. Typical!

Anyway, today was day 10 and it wasn't all that eventful during the day. We took the baby out to visit a friend who had driven mommy to hospital while she was in labour. He seemed very pleased to see us although we had to interrupt his work unannounced so that he could see us. the rest of the day has been spent trying to get the baby to sleep and to feed both of which have proven a little tricky today. I've just come from a big event though, babys first bath. We're seeing the midwife tomorrow so we were intending to leave the first bath until after she'd been but the baby had other ideas. She threw up quite a lot over her bedding and herself and so mommy decided that it was best if we washed her. We tried just using the flannel but she still smelled of sick so we decided to have a go at bathing her in the sink. This was reasonably successful, a decent amount of screaming but she was washed and clean smelling.
We decided that it was more or less feed-time after that so I fed her so that mommy could have a rest. The baby was pretty hungry but didn't seem to be getting much down her before falling asleep. I had a feeling something else was about to happen. Sure enough just as I was thinking I could put her down for a while she managed a big poo. Off I went to change her and no sooner had I cleaned her up than she pooed again on the chaning mat. Needless to ssay, mommy wasn't very impressed as she'd just cleaned the changing mat from all of the sick. Anyway, we got her cleaned up and I handed her to mommy to see if she'd take some more of the feed she abandoned to have a poo. Hopefully she was just making room for the rest of it! I've decided to come to my study to write this post and to upload some baby photos. Any old excuse. I wait with baited breath to see what's awaiting me on my return.

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