Wednesday 17 February 2010

Day 11-12

Day 11 was time to make it up to my inlaws that they didn't get the baby over the weekend. As Nanny has Tuesdays off work we decided that they could have her for the afternoon. That gave me and mommy some time alone to do decorating and housework and have a bit of a break. The baby was well behaved all day. When we got her home she was pretty hungry so we fed her. It was also pancake day so we thought that as she'd just fed she'd probably sleep for a while. Sadly, that wasn't to be.
The only thing that stopped her crying was being walked around while mommy made the pancakes. I tried putting her on her new playmat to see if that would pacify her but not really. I think the baby has some issues about animals dangling infront of her face as she wasn't very impressed with the ones on her rocker chair either! Hopefully she'll grow to love them. So between pancakes I had to come back to the baby and keep her entertained. Once we'd eaten we fed the baby again, which must have been only an hour after her previous feed. She's still tiny so if she wants to eat we feed her. She's gaining weight very nicely at the moment so it's obviously a strategy that's paying off.
Anyway, the baby needed a few smaller feeds through the evening but when it came 3am and time to wake her up, she couldn't be stirred. She only took half a feed from me. When mommy woke her up at 7 am for another feed she again only took half the feed. By the 10am feed though she was back up to full sized feeds.

We had the health visitor from the local doctors today (day 12). She wanted to come and examine the baby and do the hearing test. Well, for the hearing test the baby has to be quiet. That's great but our baby associates being awake with being fed so once we'd woken her up she immediately wanted feeding. Fortunately you can do the hearing test whilst the baby is eating so we tried that. Unfortunately the hearing test machine wasn't working. The health worker wasn't sure if it was the machine or if our baby has waxy ears. We'll try again next week.
Once the nurse had left we took the baby out for her first visit into town. It took a while to get the pram set-up but we managed it eventually. She slept the whole time we were in town and mommy wasn't very gently with her in the pram either. We met our neighbour on the walk home who stopped to chat and to coo at the baby. That's obviously when she woke up and smelled a bit stinky so we rushed her home only to find no mess. We were starting to get a bit concerned about that as it's been a couple of days now since she left us a present in her nappy.
As she was awake she naturally wanted feeding so mommy fed her. About half way through we heard the tell-tale wet, squelchy sound that means she'd had a poo so mommy went off to change her. I left her to it and for the next 10 minutes all I could hear was mommy moaning about how disgusting it was and pleading with the baby to stop. It seems that as soon as the nappy was off that's when the baby decided she wasn't finished pooing. Mommy ended up holding a wet wipe under the baby to catch what she could. I think the changing mat and mommy ended up with more poo than the nappy. After that she finished her feed and reluctantly went to sleep. They're both downstairs sleeping now.

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