Monday 1 March 2010

Day 18-24

It's been a while since the last update. The first week back at work is over and the associated weekend. I think the pattern for posting now is going to be once a week for the week days and then daily for the weekends, unless there's something significant to post about.

So the week itself was quite unevenful from my perspective. I was out on Monday night with my parents which left mummy alone with the baby all day and all evening. She coped though. In general she's finding it gradually easier to cope I think. There were some difficult days to begin with and it's getting better all the time. We're starting to get into a routine whereby I feed the baby at 6am before leaving for work and then when I get home the baby should be fed and asleep. So far she's been fed but awake when I get home. So I have to settle her before we eat and then I can feed her in the evening and the last one of the day. Baths currently happen before I get home as they're timed to be convenient for mummy rather than for me. No major dramas during the week this week to report on.

For the weekend though we slept until about midday on Saturday. I could have slept longer but eventually we decided we had to eat. Of course when I say we slept I mean in between feeding the baby who was very good about letting us have a lie in. In the evening we tried to do some baby mould casts of hands and feed. We'd got a kit of alginate and plaster but this turned out to be a lot more difficult that expected. Baby really did not enjoy the experience. There was much screaming and thrashing of limbs. We managed to get one reasonable hand and a couple of nearly there feet before we ran out of powder. We'll give it one more go before handing over to the professionals, if we can find someone reasonably priced.

Sunday we went to visit my parents. Baby was very well behaved and enjoyed getting lots of attention from her grandparents who sat holding her for most of the afternoon. When we got home though she didn't want to settle without being held which meant that it was difficult to get anything done. We did manage to order some more torture powder/alginate and order some photos to be printed though so that wasn't too bad. It did mean getting to bed about midnight, but then I slept most of the way in on the train this morning and I don't feel too bad for it!

As a measure of how tired I was last night/this morning I managed to not only sleep through the baby waking up for her 3am feed, being changed, fed and put back to bed but I only managed to switch off the 3:30 alarm after a couple of minutes of mommy kicking me to let me know that the alarm was sounding. Somehow I did manage to get up at 6 for work though.

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