Sunday 28 March 2010

Day 45-52 (Week 7)

So I think I'll switch to weeks now unless I post in between in which case maybe day of week. It's too much hassle to keep track of days at this stage!

This was an interesting week as it was mommys birthday. We decided to go and see Dirty Dancing in town which meant that the baby had to stay with my mother in law. It's just as well because I got a call at work in the morning asking what to do if the shower was cold. It  turned out that the boiler was broken. I presumed that I'd be able to do something when I got home in the evening but as we were going out that wasn't going to be until very late. It was a shame because I'd been looking forward to a full nights sleep. When we got home I spent about 30 minutes taking the covers off the boiler to discover that the fan was dead. so it was just as well the baby was already spending the night away from home because it was too cold for her to have stayed with us. I did work from home the next day which sort of made up for having a very late night but I had to be around, in the cold house, waiting for the plumber to get a part and he eventually repaired it about 6pm.

Apart from that it's been a normal sort of week really. The baby has started to sleep until 5 regularly which is great except that it creates a bit of a dilemma about who has to do the feed. Mommy normally does the 3-4am feed and then I feed the baby at 6 when I get up for work. With the baby being fed at 5 it means that I can't really feed her at 6. So we had one morning where we made her wait until 6 but the rest of the time it's been 5. This week the clocks went forwards so I imagine that she might possibly sleep until 6 for a few days. I think it won't be long until she's sleeping until then anyway but we shall see.

Today I've been pretty busy trying to get things done around the house ready for the housewarming/meet the baby party next weekend. This of course meant that the baby was going to be restless. She decided to throwup all the time and scream if we weren't holding her. She fell asleep when I held her but as soon as I went to put her down she woke up and started to scream again. Somehow I did manage to get a lot of stuff done without too much trauma.

Otherwise a normal week. Mommy didn't go out on Friday so we spent every evening together. I've been trying to get my study straight, which looks like a losing battle at the moment so I wasn't around as much in the evenings for the baby as I could have been but hopefully after this week the indoors will be ready to roll.

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