Sunday 14 March 2010

Day 32 - 37

So another week down. This week we had a red letter day on Monday night/Tuesday morning as the baby slept all the way through the night. She was starting to stir from about 5am but managed to go until 6 before properly waking up and wanting her feed. We were pretty stunned I have to say and hoped this might be a sign of things to come. Sadly this seems to have only been a teaser as it hasn't happened since. Part of the problem seems to be that we can't keep the baby awake during the evening so going through the night really means sleeping from about 7:30 through to 6 the next morning with a brief feeding break in the middle. We need to break that habit especially as she seems to be very awake for the 3-4 am slot and doesn't really want to go back to sleep.

We had another go at the baby moulds with much more success. The secret is to get containers that are suitable size. She hated having it done but we managed to get several reasonably good moulds. They need a little work like some sanding and some more plaster to fill some small air holes but they're pretty good.

Otherwise the baby has been pretty good this week. There's been the usual quota of baths which she's getting used to. I wouldn't say that she enjoys them but she just about tolerates them. That's more than can be said for being made to drink water though. From the fuss she makes you would think that it would be an effective torture device!

The baby also started to play on her play mat which is nice. She gets upset after about 10 minutes but during that time she'll lie there and kick about and occasionally punch the animals dangling at her. She's not very interested in the colours, noises or textures at the moment so she still has all of that to discover.

Today was mothers day and the baby got mommy a nice card and a CD. She has very neat handwriting. We had both sets of granparents and Uncle over and cooked them some moroccan lamb which went down well. The baby thoroughly enjoyed herself getting passed around everyone and generally being made a fuss over all day. It has, however, been a long day for me and I've got to go back to work tomorrow. Thankfully I still have that hours commute to catch some extra shut-eye!

Mommys had me helping her with her audition piece for a local musical today so I think the audition for that is next week. If that all goes through I guess it means I'll be spending more evenings on my own with the baby which will be nice.

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