Sunday 11 April 2010

Weeks 8 and 9

Missed a post last week because the weekend was so busy. Week 8 ended with Easter and a four day weekend. Godd Friday was spent preparing the house for a small party on Saturday. This involved completing all of the minor jobs around the house like changing the door handle on the hatch to the loft, minor touchup painting etc. Saturday was the party so we spent the morning preparing some food. That of course meant that the oven took the opportunity to break so we were left with just the top oven. It turned out that we had cooked about twice as much food as necessary so there were plenty of leftovers.
The party was reasonably successful. It the first chance for a few friends and family to meet the baby and our first opportunity to meet the new Nephew as my brother and his wife and baby were down for the weekend. The baby was thoroughly spoiled for the day of course with lots of attention.
Sunday was easter so we went to my parents to have  family meal with Great granny in attendance and the new Nephew. So again the babies had lots of attention with lots of photographs and camcorder footage which needs to be edited down.
Monday was a rest day which involved cutting the leftover chicken off the bone and cooking a weeks worth of caserole and curry.
So the rest of the week went as normal really except that I was charged with doing the middle of the night feeding on Thursday night/Friday morning which had typically been at about 4am. Baby decided to be nice to me and slept through until 6.30 for me which upset mummy. Since then the baby has started sleeping through more and more often. During week 9 there were only one or two occasions when mommy had to do the middle of the night feed because she was sleeping until I had to get up for work. That did mean that I was getting a little less sleep because I have to get up at 6 instead of 6.30 to get the early feed done.
So week 9 was characterised by trying to encourage a good sleeping pattern so she'll go through the night. It's been fairly successful but it has been difficult to keep her awake in the evening on a few occasions. Those occasions have generally been followed by the baby waking up early for her feed though so it's definately worth the extra effort.
Right now it's Sunday night and I'm keeping the baby awake for another hour or so before she gets fed again and is then allowed to go to bed. She has been very sleepy today so she should be a bit more active right now. She's been quite happy for us to get on and do our stuff today and just sleep through it all which was quite nice. This morning she didn't sleep through but I think it's because we were too tired last night to keep her awake in the evening.
Today I've been able to get on and mow the lawn and fix the oven from last weekend.

Don't go to sleep yet baby bear!

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