Tuesday 27 April 2010

Week 9-10

Wow 2 and a bit weeks without posting. Time has been flying by. I think that part of the problem was that everythign was going so well and then we had some friends over for a meal on the Sunday at the start of week 10 when I would have written the week 9 post and the baby was a little out of sorts. The only thing that would console her was being walked around and rocked in her pram. As it was a nice day we had lunch outside with the baby in the shade. This was ok as she sort of slept on and off but she did get a bit upset from time to time. after our friends had gone we decided to take the baby for a walk through town. This usually settles her quickly but on this occasion she was a bit upset all the way and was starting to sneeze. So we did wonder if she was suffering with hayfever. Anyway it became clear that she'd got her first cold. Poor thing.

We did eventually manage to settle her in the evening and then had to start pandering to her for a few days. This generally involved earlier morning feeds and letting her sleep as much as possible. On the Sunday night she was snoring so badly that mummy insisted that we move her out of the bedroom into the hall. This did help and we all slept for a few hours more although moving the baby monitor and everything else out of the bedroom was a bit of a chore in the middle of the night!

We discovered teh joys of Calpol that night although I don't think the baby was too impressed but it does help her sleep. So over a few days she got over it. We also discovered that putting something under her matress to elevate her head helps to stopthe snoring so that helped her to move back into the bedroom. So now we're equipped to handle colds and minor ailments. What was surprising was that it didn't really bother the baby all that much. It did from time to time but not in general.

So that week was sort of spent sleep deprived. Although we only really lost sleep on that first night it took a while to catch up. Last weekend I snuck out to go and do some diving training which was nice but mommy got me back by going out in the evening to see a show with her friend and leaving me in charge. I think this is going to be a pattern as she's now involved in two local shows so I'm going to be left in charge a few evenings a week.

Last time I was left in charge I had to bathe the baby. This is normally ok but on this occasion we had a bit of a disaster. We have  seat to put in the bath which helps to keep the baby stable and you can almost let go of her for a second without her slipping too much. We moved on to use the baby bath instead of the sink a few weeks ago and we now wedge that on the rim of the normal bath. That's also fine as it means thatI don't have to lean over so far. Sadly, on this occasion whilst holding the baby in the bath seat I leaned on the edge of the baby bath which knocked it off the top of the normal bath. It dropped to the bath with the baby still in the seat. Everything was OK but I think she was a bit upset, at least judging by the scream!

Aside from all that we've increased her feed. She was ok on the previous amount but was starting to insist on being fed earlier between feeds which is bad for sleeping patterns. The next amount up was an extra 60ml which is a little excessive and did result in a  lot of throwing up as she wouldn't leave the bottle. She's started to get used to it now and we can make her leave some which has stopped the sickness. The upside is that she can go longer between feeds but the downsides are that it takes longer to warm up and she's full of energy after each feed most of the time which isn't very convenient in the mornings or at night. On the plus side of that though she's increasingly happy to be left on her playmat and talk to the animals. She's also getting very close to rolling onto her front. She can get right up onto her shoulder at the moment. A strong gust of wind and she'll be over so any day now I guess.

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