Sunday 16 May 2010

Week 13

For the end of week 12 we went to visit my Gran, Aunt and her children. They all wanted to meet the baby and everyone got a chance to hold her. She took a littlewhile to settle and did scream the first two times that I handed her over to Granny. After about half an hour though she was sufficiently settled to be handed around which she was very good about. It's just a shame that she used to be very happy to be handed around and now she seems to be developing a bit of an aversion.

This week was characterised by mommy going out a lot in the evenings. This wasn't too significant at the time but became significant later in the week. We noticed a few weeks ago that the baby has a small problem with her lower eyelids. There's a small roll skin underneath each one which rolls the lid upwards and causes her lower eyelashes to point upwards and to go towards her eye. It hasn't really bothered her so we assumed she'd just grow out of it. On Tuesday we noticed that her eye was very red and swollen so mommy took her to the doctor who declared her eye infected. After a bit of persuasion she was able to get a referral to a paediatrician to get hte lash problem looked at. So all week we've been applying the eye drops which I'm not convinced has made any difference. Some days her eye looks fine and some days it looks bad which I put down to her rubbing it or not rubbing it. We'll persevere with the drops until the paediatrician visit comes up.

On Wednesday mommy went out to see Sister Act with her friend and got the wrong train home so got in very late. This left me in charge so I had to feed and bathe etc the baby. That was all fine but around this time she took to waking up between 4 and 5 am to have her dummy reinserted a few times. My position on this is that she had been sleeping since 7 or 8 in the evening and so going to 4 or 5 was pretty good. Mommys position is that this is acting out and bad behaviour so she has to be ignored for a couple of hours a day until she learns acceptable behaviour. Either way it continued all week and when mommy got back on Friday very late after going out for drinks she declared that she hadn't had enough sleep all week and wasn't coping because the baby was waking her up in the small hours.

Saturday, the baby slept through solidly until about 7am and the same on Sunday so I guess that whatever we changed in her routine over the weekend worked. Saturday we went out to see some friends. Again when the baby was passed around she wasn't terribly happy about being passed around all evening but I think that's something she's got to get used to. We were out until quite late which meant that the baby had to have a nap in our friends cot. She was kind of OK about that but didn't want to miss out on the social happenings so she wouldn't settle. Eventually at about 9pm she did drop off whilst I was holding her and then slept until we left.

Sunday she's just slept all day really. She must have been tired out after trying so hard to stay awake yesterday. She's woken up to eat and played a little bit but she's mostly wanted to keep going back to bed. We'll have to get her up soon though so that she gets tired enough to sleep through the night properly.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Week 11 -12

Pre-empting week 12 a bit here but I guess it's best to write the posts when I get the chance. Week 10 was a pretty normal week. The baby is developing well, she's engaged and looking at everything, taking it all in. We've started putting her in her doorframe bouncer again which she quite enjoys. She hasn't quite got the hang of putting her feet flat on the floor to bounce so she's a bit unsure about it. She tends to stand on one foot, on the side of her foot, and spin herself around with the other foot. There's some occasional bouncing but generally she likes to swing and move in it.
Week 11 was a long weekend  and my 30th Birthday. The baby was very good on Saturday and Sunday and was actually a bit too sleepy for everyone. She's been so sprightly and active that when she just wanted to eat and sleep for the weekend everyone thought that there must be something wrong. She soon recovered and decided that she wanted feeding at 4am instead of 6am on the Monday which was my brithday present from her I think. So after a distinct lack of sleep we managed to get through the day only for her to do the biggest smelliest poo she's ever managed for me in the evening. After that she was back to her normal playful self.
On Tuesday I had to go out to do some training with the compressor for the diving club which got me in big trouble with mummy because the baby had started to teethe. She's been sucking or chewing her hand a lot and dribbling a lot recently but in the afternoon she started to cry and get grizzly. So I was in trouble for leaving mummy with the unhappy baby all evening. As it turned out she slept all the time I was out anyway, the wonders of Calpol.
Since then she's had a few more incidents of teething trouble but she's generally been very good so far. I just hope it lasts when the more painful teeth start to come through a bit later on. Right now she's fed and gone back to bed for a couple of hours of peace.